Friday, September 30, 2011


It's been too long since I have blogged. I actually have really missed it! But have also been sooo tired by the end of the day, that I fall asleep before my laptop starts up! Right now I am working full time, have 2 boys playing soccer, school for boys and hubby, 30 weeks pregnant...and the list goes on and on.

I love my life...but man this girl is tired!

But tonight I have something exciting to share! It is sort of bittersweet but I am excited. I currently work full time as an office manager for an awesome dental office in town. But just announed yesterday, at our staff meeting, that I will only be returning part time after my maternity leave! I have worked since I was 16 so this is a huge upcoming change for me...but I can't wait! Can't wait to spend more time with my loves. to snuggle a little more each day. to be able to make 3 meals a day for them. to be home when they get home from school....all the awesome things a mama gets to do!

Happy weekend my friends!!!


  1. and a shock it was! But way looking forward to it for you!!!

  2. Courtney, thank you for your empathy:)You and Dickson are so stinkin cute and oh my, your boys are adorable. We have never met, but my brother is Kurt Smith and one of Dickson's childhood/soccer buddies. Anyways, I'm glad we can be blogging buddies:)

  3. Yea!!! I remember Kurt! How is he?! Well, your family is also just as cute as can be...and congrats on #3!! So exciting!

  4. Awww.. I am so glad you will get to spend more time at home. That is such a huge blessing.
