Friday, September 16, 2011

where in the world did time go? I remember your "birth"day like it was yesterday. I remember being just off bed rest and taking your oldest brother Dawson to school and then Ethan to preschool. I remember making lunch for my office and stopping by and visiting. I remember going for a burger with grandpa for lunch.

Then I felt like something wasn't quite right so I called my OB and she said to come on in for a non-stress test. So I waited for Dadddy to get home from work and we took our time making our way up to Seattle, thinking we had time. I was put on the NST and within 60 seconds the nurse said..."well, you just bought yourself a room at the hospital. Looks like today's the day!"

I was confused but so excited! I knew I had waited 9 months to met you. but was today really the day?! And then all the excitement...he'll be here in the next few hours!! So I was induced and we met our angel 6 hours later!

With all 3 boys it has always been only Dickson and I in the room for delivery. I love the thought of having my mom, mother in law and sisters in the room. But the moment comes and goes so quickly and Dickson and I like to cherish it and keep it to that selfish? Either way it is how we have chosen for our children's births to be.

We do share the moment but after everyone is checked out and ok'd healthwise...then the room floods with our sweet families.

So today we celebrate you, Liam. Your sweet smile. your precious looks. your cute tootsies (our word for toes!). and all the love you give us. We love you so much and could have not asked for a more precious gift from up above.

Happy Birthday Liam. Our for all eternity.


  1. Cute blogg!!your baby pixs are really beautiful!

  2. Oooh this is SO sweet! Happy Birthday to your sweet Liam :)

  3. OH MY - this is THE cutest blog I've seen in a long, long time. Your Liam's sweet face, while I read your comments almost brought me to tears. I'll be reading more! Thanks!

  4. aw so sweet .. happy birthday to your lil' guy ... he's adorable :)
